Lord Saatchi’s so-called “Medical Innovation Bill” which has the aim of removing patient right’s to sue doctors if they use unproven treatments in ways that no responsible body would endorse was blocked from proceding through parliament during the last session. It now looks like Saatchi intends to try to rush it through again as a reintroduced Private Member’s Bill. The…
Bolam, Bolitho and Patient Safety
Guest post by José Miola, Professor of Medical Law at the University of Leicester Anyone who is interested in the Medical Innovation Bill will have heard a lot about the ‘Bolam test’, which is the test for negligence used in English law. The Bill team has been careful to state that the Bill does not modify it at all – but instead…
Saatchi Bill Goes Through The Lords for First Reading
The Telegraph reports that the Medical Innovation Bill has ‘passed its first hurdle’ in the Lords and is a ‘step closer to becoming law’. And as such, now is the time to launch our campaign website to oppose the Bill as it stands. The first reading in the Lords is just a formality. There would be no debate – those…
Does the Updated Saatchi Bill Pass the Burzynski Test?
Today, Lord Saatchi is presenting his Private Member’s Bill to the House of Lords. It is the start, he hopes, of this Bill’s passage to become law. I have previously documented about how this Bill looks like it could be a Quacks’ Charter and could even hinder medical research, against the express aims of the Bill. It is quite clear too, that the overwhelming response…